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Can You Get a Pregnancy Test at a Walk in Clinic?

Aries Medical Centre

A lot of people don't know this, but you can actually get a pregnancy test at a walk in clinic. And not just that, but the staff there can help you interpretation the results too. Whether you're trying to conceive or not, it's always good to know where your local walk in clinics are and what services they offer. Who knows, you might need them one day!

What is a Pregnancy Test?

Pregnancy tests are incredibly useful tools that can determine if a woman is pregnant or not. They work by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine, which our bodies produce during pregnancy. The level of hCG varies from person to person, so different types of pregnancy tests range from more affordable options that can take several minutes up to sophisticated digital tests that are instant and highly accurate. Knowing whether someone is expecting can relieve stress and helps them do what's best for their health, both now and in the future.

Can You Get a Pregnancy Test at a Walk in Clinic?

Yes you can! Walk-in clinics offer a convenient alternative to scheduling an appointment with your doctor or going to the emergency room. You don't need to make an appointment, so if you are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, you can get tested right away without having to wait weeks or call around. The results of these tests can be very accurate, and they help provide more information so that you can make an informed decision going forward. So if you're wondering whether or not you're pregnant, visiting a walk in clinic for a pregnancy test can be a great option! With that said, be sure to contact your walk in clinic to confirm whether or not you need an appointment as pregnancy tests may require a specific timeslot to be booked.

Where Else Can I Get a Pregnancy Test?

In regard to pregnancy tests, there are several options on where you can get them completed. Among these places include public health centers, abortion clinics, and health department clinics. These locations often have more privacy and may sometimes provide low-cost testing services. Additionally, if you're feeling embarrassed about getting tested in public places, consider buying a test online and having it delivered right to your door.

How Will a Doctor Test You for Pregnancy

If you suspect that you might be pregnant, then it is important to confirm your suspicions with a professional. Most likely, they will perform a pregnancy test at the doctor's office. Your doctor may give you a urine test or take your blood sample. The most common type of urine test is the home pregnancy test. The results will usually appear on the packaging in minutes. For more accuracy, your doctor may take a blood sample in order to measure the levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is produced in larger amounts after fertilization has occurred and can be used to detect very early pregnancies. With these tests, your doctor is able to determine conclusively whether or not you are expecting a child.

How Often Should I follow up with my Walk in Clinic if I'm Pregnant?

When you’re pregnant, it is important to follow a regular medical routine for the safety and health of the mother and baby. Keep in touch with your walk-in clinic at least once every trimester. This allows your doctor to track any changes in both your physical and emotional health, as well as monitor your pregnancy more closely. If you experience any complications or discrepancies between visits, it is best to contact your clinic right away. Your care team will be able to tell you whether a visit immediately is necessary or if you should wait until your next scheduled clinic visit.


All in all, if you are considering a pregnancy test you can be rest-assured that there are many options available – from walk-in clinics where you can get a variety of services including pregnancy tests, to talking with your regular doctor or another medical professional about getting a second opinion. Overall, if you need help with receiving an accurate pregnancy test, contact our medical clinic today! We’re here to help!

We also have several walk in clinic locations available for you to visit. Among the primary areas we serve include the following:

  • Walk in Clinic Brampton

  • Walk in Clinic Milton

  • Walk in Clinic Mississauga

  • Walk in Clinic Barrie

  • Walk in Clinic Georgetown

  • Walk in Clinic Vaughan


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